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With aquaculture production now accounting for more than 50% of the world’s fish consumption, and with growth rates in excess of 7% per annum for the past two decades, Aqua Products has positioned itself to take advantage in this increasingly prevalent trend.

The products we culture are seafood species of significance to aquaculture with existing technology available. These are salt-water Shrimp / Prawn and fin-fish , reared in secure facilities to assure healthy and high quality products. Our offering includes :-


  • Resilient Juvenile Shrimps

  • Post larvae (PL)

  • Local market sized shrimp and fish 

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Cuttlefish (Future)

Cuttlefish, namely Sepia Officinalis one of the most sought after variety and of commercial importance in Ghana and its trading partners in West Africa and Europe will be offered.  

Giant Freshwater Prawn

Giant fresh water Prawn also known as M. Rosenbergii is a hardy fish. They typically grow to 8 inches.  The freshwater shrimp has a delicate, sweet flavor, somewhat like lobster, and firm, white flesh.  

Aqua Products © 2017

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